Does your child need additional support for learning?
All children and young people need support in order to learn, but some require support which is additional to, or different from, what is normally provided. This is known as having additional support needs (ASN).
For most of these children, their needs will be planned for through normal school planning processes. However, some children may need help above and beyond what the school can normally provide. We call this additional support for learning (ASfL).
Some examples of why a child or young person may require extra help with their education include:
- bereavement or family illness
- problems at home
- bullying
- being particularly gifted or able
- an illness, disability or sensory impairment
- having English as an Additional Language
- having a learning disability
A child's needs may last for a short time, and the problem may be resolved easily. Or their needs might be very complex, and they may require additional support for a number of years.
What kind of support might be provided?
- teaching a child in a different way
- changes to a child's curriculum
- changes to the length of time a child spends in a particular class
- an extra member of staff (Additional Needs Assistant) to work with a child or group of children in the classroom
- a person in school the child or young person can talk to, or a safe place they can go
- special arrangements for a child at lunch or play time
- advice for parents on ways to help learning at home
- referral to a speech and language therapist, a physiotherapist or other Allied Health Professional
- adaptations to school buildings or equipment to help with physical or sensory disabilities
- educational psychologists to work with an individual child, a family or schools and teachers
- attending a support unit or special school for the few cases where children and young people cannot be supported within their mainstream schools
Find out more
If you feel that your child needs additional support for learning, the first person to speak to is your child's teacher and/or Headteacher.