EPS Privacy Statement
The EPS will only become involved in delivering a service for an individual child or young person if we have informed consent to do so. Informed consent requires that you have read and understood our privacy statement regarding how your personal data will be used. Our privacy statement details how we will use personal data relating to individuals when we provide a service for an individual child or young person.
Privacy Statement
Your Personal Data
Information collected in relation to the EPS will be processed by ourselves, Newtown St Boswells, TD6 0SA. You can contact us on 0300 100 1800 or customerservices@scotborders.gov.uk
Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted using the contact details above or by email at dataprotection@scotborders.gov.uk
How we use your information
We collect the information about you and your child or young person to provide an EPS. We are legally required to provide this service under the Education (Scotland) Act 1980. It is your choice to access the EPS with the exception of matters of Child Protection or requests from the Scottish Children's Reporter's Administration.
Information held by the service will be stored securely. We will keep this information until your child reaches the age of 25 years. For children and young people who are currently or have been Looked After by a local authority, files will be kept for 100 years in line with legal requirements.
Who we will share your information with
In order to provide an educational psychology service there will be a requirement to share relevant information with other parties involved. We will only share information with an outside body if you are currently or if you become involved with these services. For example, we may require to share your information with:
- Education
- Social Work
- NHS Borders
- Scottish Children's Reporter's Administration
As required under the Scottish Government's Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) initiative. We will only share information where this is necessary in order to provide an EPS.
In addition we may be legally obliged to share information with other parties such as Her Majesty's Inspectorate in Education and Child Protection Officers for the purpose of inspecting the service.
Educational Psychologists will use their professional judgement to identify which information is appropriate and necessary to share with the other professionals involved, in order to inform decision making and assessment.
We do not use an automated process for making decisions about you or the services you require.
Your Rights
You have the right to request access to any personal data held about you or your child (up to the age of 12) by us. You can also request that we restrict the use of your or your child's data or even object to any further processing. You can make a request at any time by contacting the Data Protection Officer using the contact details provided above. We will respond to your request within thirty calendar days.
For more information on your rights please visit our website or if you would like a hard copy of this information, please contact us using the contact details provided above.
How to raise a complaint
If you are unhappy with the way we have processed your personal data please contact our Data Protection Officer. If after raising your concerns with the Data Protection Officer you remain dissatisfied you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office:
- address: 45 Melville Street, Edinburgh, EH3 7HL
- phone: 0131 244 9001
- email: scotland@ico.org.uk
For information on Data Protection, please visit the ICO website