Salt bin locations Berwickshire
- Bennecourt Crescent, opposite Hirsel Place junction
- Bennecourt Drive, at the east end of the link footway with Spa Well Drive
- Bennecourt Drive, at the west end of the link footway with Spa Well Drive
- Cheviot Terrace, at sub-station
- Court House Place, in car park
- Douglas Court, within bottom car park
- Duke Street, lower side of car park at Duke Street/High Street junction
- Duns Road, at junction with Guards Road
- Lennel Mount, corner of garage forecourt near to junction with Guards Road
- Lukes Brae, at the Duke Street Junction
- Market Square, disabled parking bay at Fire Station
- D120/5 Lennel to Oxenrig, approximately 100m up from A6112 junction
- D60/6 Lennelhill Farm, halfway up the hill towards Lennelhill Farm
Orange Lane
- D136/5 Orange Lane Old A697, cul de sac on verge between road tapers
- Ramsay Crescent, on the corner
- Birgham Road, near the school
- Treaty Park, at entrance to garages