Salt bin locations Berwickshire
- Braeheads, at driveway to property known as Braeheads
- Crosslaw, at junction with School Road
- Christisons Brae, bottom of the hill outside Homeleigh
- Coldingham Sands, in car park
- Coldingham Sands, opposite property known as Ebbastrand
- Coldingham Sands, near to Creel House at footway style
- Lawfield, outside number 20
- Manse Road, opposite Abbots Row junction at lighting column
- Priors Walk, at school footpath
- Priors Walk, in car park at play park
- D154/6 Gosmount, past primary school on hill leading down to bridge
- D154/6 Gosmount, at junction to Hill Gardens
- D154/6 West Loch, on hill between Grantsbanks and West Loch Farms
- D154/6 West Loch, on hill between Grantsbanks and West Loch Farms
- D154/6 West Loch, on hill between Grantsbanks and West Loch Farms
- D154/6 West Loch, on hill between Grantsbanks and West Loch Farms
- at link path, at footpath to underpass
St Abbs
- Creel Road, opposite property known as Novar
- Brierydean, at corner of car park
- Harbour Road, at view point
- Harbour Road, halfway down the hill towards the harbour
- Harbour Road, at entrance to car park at bottom of the hill
- Coveyheugh, beside bridge parapet
- Ladeside, near entrance to village hall
- D153/6 Lumsdaine, at the top of the hill leading down to Lumsdaine Farm
- D153/6 Lumsdaine, at the middle of the hill leading down to Lumsdaine Farm
- D123/6 Hillend, just above junction with A1
- D123/6 Hillend, at sharp left hand bend before hill up to Lemington
- D123/6 Hillend, just above Lemington Farm Cottage