How to find information

Our publication scheme

Our guide to information shows you what is available and how to find it. It also explains the charges we may make for supplying information, who to contact and how to request information we have not published

You can download the full guide to information.

What we publish

All the information we publish is available on our website.To help find information the following pages may be useful:

If you cannot access information online we can make alternative arrangements, such as to send information in paper copy. However, there may be a charge to cover our costs. Please see our Publication Scheme for details of charges.

Disposing of information

We do not keep all information indefinitely. For more details go to our what information we hold section.

Some records are selected for permanent preservation and transferred to our archives service at the Heritage Hub in Hawick. You can access this information by visiting the Archives or using the postal research service (unless we are not legally allowed to disclose it).

Further information

Find out more about what information we hold.

Some of our services (such as Registrars and Archives) will research and supply copies of the unpublished information they hold. Contact them directly for details on how to make a request and any associated charges.

If you still cannot find the information you are looking for in the Publication Scheme, see make an information request section to find out how to make a request.

Information team

Access to information, data compliance and records management

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells