To effectively manage records we need to ensure that our information is:
- trustworthy
- accurate
- accessible
To achieve this, controls need to be in place for creating, classifying, using, storing, preserving and disposing of records according to a defined set of standards.
Not all information is held indefinitely and a standardised approach has been adopted as to what should and should not be kept.
Improvements agreed with the Keeper of the Records of Scotland
The Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011 places an obligation on public authorities to prepare and implement a records management plan which sets out proper arrangements for the management of their records. Our records management plan was agreed on an improvement basis by the Keeper of the Records of Scotland in October 2017. This is because the plan recognises there are some areas where improvements are needed to enable us to meet best practice.
Download our Records Management Plan
National Records of Scotland (NRS) publish their assessments of the records management plans submitted under the Act.