Local Action Group

Grants Awarded

In 2023-24

The Scottish Government gave the Local Action Group (LAG) just over £510,000 to spend improving life in the Borders and tackling community challenges.

The LAG continued to fund the Y-LAG . The LAG ran a grant scheme for community organisations that gave out more than £392,000 to 28 organisations.

Finally the LAG working in conjunction with food banks and community larders gave out over £12,000 in low energy usage items (air-fryers and slow cookers) to those in need.

 View the LAG minutes.

Community Led Local Development Fund 2022-23

The LAG received just under £490,000 from Scottish Ministers to spend improving life in the Borders. The LAG funded Youth Borders to help set up the Borders first Youth LAG for those under 30.

Full details of projects funded and their impacts are available.

View the LAG minutes.

Rural Communities Testing Change Fund 2020-21

As part of a post-EU funding programme the Scottish Government set up a small grant scheme to test different approaches. The learning from this national scheme was used to create the Community Led Local Development Fund.