Local Action Group

The Scottish Borders Local Action Group (LAG) consists of local people and organisations working to improve life in the Borders. The LAG is one of 20 similar community led organisations in rural Scotland and 400+ across Europe. 

The LAG was set up around 20 years ago to work with the European Union and Scottish Government to deliver LEADER funding. Since leaving the EU, the LAG has continued to work to improve life in the Borders using Scottish Government funds. The LAG has awarded funding to a wide range of community and business projects under the Government title of Community Led Local Development funding (CLLD). Details of all funding allocated to date are available.

Find out more about what type of projects the LAG is looking to fund this year.

As well as distributing funding to local groups, the LAG also funds young people to make their own decisions on other young people’s projects through the Youth LAG (Y-LAG). The LAG and the Y-LAG also feed in local Borders views into Government policy makers.

The LAG looks to have between 15-20 members representing Community Organisations (including Charities and Social Enterprises), Private Sector Businesses and Public Sector organisations. Current membership of the LAG can be found online.

Membership of the LAG is open to anyone living or working as well as to organisations in the Borders. Anyone interested in joining the LAG should read the FAQs and fill in and submit an application.

We administer the CLLD funding on behalf of the Scottish Borders Local Action Group

View the Local Action Group minutes 2022-23