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Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)

The production and delivery of Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES) is a statutory requirement for all Local Authorities in order to drive forward heat decarbonisation and improve energy efficiency in buildings. In line with guidance, we have produced:

Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy 2024-28

Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Delivery Plan 2024-28

The Strategy sets out the changes required to our infrastructure and buildings, including all domestic and nondomestic buildings, to meet the Council’s 2045 net zero target and 2040 fuel poverty target.

It sets out a vision to:

“Increase the energy efficiency of our homes and buildings, offer affordable warmth via net zero emission heat, and deliver this as a just transition which tackles fuel poverty and builds community wealth”.

This ties together three key priorities
1. Cost of heating
2. Heat Decarbonisation
3. Just Transition

The Delivery Plan outlines the approach and prospective actions to deliver the vision, covering a timeframe of five years.

The Strategy and Delivery Plan have been published following approval on 30 May 2024. This followed a consultation which ran from January to March 2024, and built on engagement with a range of partners and stakeholders.

If you have any questions or wish to provide input, please contact Neil.Robertson@scotborders.gov.uk.

View the LHEES additional documents:

2. Integrated Impact Assessment Stage 1

3. Integrated Impact Assessment Stage 2 and 3

4. Health Inequality Impact Assessment

5. Strategic Environmental Assessment (Pre-Screening)

6. Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

7. Rural Proofing

8. Formal Consultation Report