Council Tax FAQs

Council Tax charges

How much Council Tax do I pay?

Each property is placed in one of eight bands according to its market value as at 1 April 1991. Your Council Tax bill will indicate which band your property falls into. You can find details of your charges on our Council Tax Charges and Bands page.

Why has my Council Tax bill increased?

Council Tax rates have been increased by 10% agreed at Council on 20th February 2025 as indicated in plans during 2024/25. 

Council Tax can increase by 100% for certain properties that have been empty for 12 months or more. Find out more on our Council Tax page.

How do I pay?

Council Tax is charged for each day of the year but is normally paid in 10 instalments payable on the first of each month from April to January inclusive. However if you choose to pay by direct debit you have the option to spread your payments over 12 months.

You can pay your Council Tax:

  • direct debit  
  • online  
  • cash at any post office or shop displaying the PayPoint sign (make sure you bring your bill with you)
  • phone: 0300 100 1800

What are SBCs bank details?

Our bank account changed from April 2020. If you use home or phone banking after that point you will need to use our new details:

  • Royal Bank of Scotland
  • Sort code: 83-26-34
  • Account number: 00601166

If you pay by direct debit you don't have to do anything. If you pay by standing order you will need to amend this to pay to the bank account shown above.

How is Council Tax calculated?

This depends on the Valuation Band your property falls into. Bands are allocated according to the value of your property on the open market as at 1 April 1991. Council Tax is calculated as a proportion of the Band D charge by applying a multiplier. Any questions about the banding of your property should be referred to the Assessor by email

For 2025-26 the charge for a Band D property will be £1,491.72  (excluding water and waste water charges).

Should I be paying less?

There are many ways in which your bill can be reduced, for example:

  • Council Tax Reduction Scheme if you are on a low income or in receipt of certain benefits
  • Second Adult Rebate for someone living with you, other than a partner, who is on a low income. If you have a partner, they must be disregarded for Council Tax purposes
  • Council Tax Discounts 25% if you live alone or are the only adult in the household*, 50% if your property is not someone’s sole or main residence and is a purpose built holiday home, or must be occupied as a condition of the owner/tenant’s job
  • Disabled banding Reduction if a member of your household is permanently disabled and uses a wheelchair inside
  • Exemption in certain circumstances

*Certain people are not included when counting adults such as students, apprentices, carers, those who have a severe mental impairment etc.

Get further information about money off council tax.

How do I notify you of potential Council Tax fraud?

You can report this online. If you need any assistance, contact our Customer Advice and Support Service.

I am hosting a person/family from Ukraine in my home, will my discount be affected?

Council Tax discounts will not be affected if you sponsor and host a household from Ukraine to stay with you in your home. If you are in receipt of Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction, there will be no change to your entitlement eligibility.

Do I need to tell you that I am hosting a Ukrainian person/family?

If you have Ukrainian guests staying with you as part of the Ukraine Family Visa's Scheme then you should let us know by completing our online form, we will need a copy of the Visa for all guests over 18 years of age. If you need any assistance, contact our Customer Advice and Support Service.

Customer Advice and Support Service

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800