Greener Gateway Community Awards

Schools Award

Entry submissions

We are inviting schools to come forward with a video no longer than five minutes demonstrating how their project(s) promotes and addresses all, or any, of these four themes.

• Biodiversity

• Sustainability

• Food Growing

• Intergenerational Working 

There will be two entry levels, Primary Schools and Secondary Schools. Each submission will be judged independently with awards of Bronze, Silver and Gold to be won. There will be a ‘Best in Category’ award for the submission from each entry level for the project that scores the most points during judging. The schools who win ‘Best in Category’ will receive a £250 voucher to spend on relevant equipment or materials to help with the continuation of their project.

If you wish to enter the awards, please complete the relevant Schools Award submission form

Entry requirements

The video submission will be judged on four criteria, each of which will be marked out of 25. The four criteria, which should address any, or all, of the themes outlined above are:

• Originality

• Inclusivity

• Environmental impact

• Sustainable legacy

How to enter

To enter these awards, please send in an entry form to and a video showcasing your project on or before the 28th June 2024.

Video files can be submitted in a variety of ways, including:

• As downloads through file transfer sites (WeTransfer for example)

• As a link via YouTube, Facebook, Flickr page, website or any other similar platform

Awards Evening

An awards ceremony will be held in late September to celebrate all the projects, community groups and schools who participated in this year’s Greener Gateway Community Awards. Further details of this will be shared later this summer.