What needs planning permission

Householder guide to planning permission

The Scottish Government sets the rules for when planning permission is needed for house alterations and extensions.

Not all projects need formal consent, it depends on the property’s location and the specifics of the proposal.

Formal consent for building works

The Scottish Government provides guidance on what changes to houses or flats don’t need planning permission. These rules are called Householder Permitted Development Rights.

If you’re thinking about extending your home or building in your garden, check the flow chart for basic advice on whether you need formal consent.

If you’re unsure, contact us for advice before starting any work. For formal confirmation that your project doesn’t need planning permission, you’ll need to apply for a certificate of Lawfulness of a Proposed Use or Development.

Other Consent Requirements

  • check if you need a Building Warrant, even if planning permission isn’t required
  • if you don’t own the property or land, get the owner’s consent
  • for any tree work, contact our Tree Officer at HQ

Development Management

Processing of planning applications, and advice on the need for planning permission

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800