What needs planning permission

Further guidance and information

Further information, advice and guidance are available from various bodies: 

  • Historic Environment Scotland (HES) is the lead public body for the promotion of the historic environment. HES have produced guidance on works affecting Listed Buildings and their setting
  • Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) promotes care for the natural heritage, wildlife, habitats, rocks and landscapes of Scotland
  • the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is Scotland's principal environmental regulator. SEPA have standing planning advice online. They also have mapping on flood risk
  • the Scottish Government has overall responsibility for the national planning system, national planning policy, and certain planning decisions
  • Planning Aid Scotland (PAS)  - Free expert planning advice is available from PAS.  PAS is an educational charity that offers a free, impartial and confidential Advice Service to help with planning issues, whether about your own home or wider planning issues in your community. The Advice Service supports members of the public, community groups and business start-ups through its network of specialist planners, volunteers and staff.

Planning and other consultants working locally may be able to provide advice and assistance. This could incur costs. Local agents (Town Planners, Architects, Architectural Technologists, Surveyors, Land Agents) may be able to provide such independent advice: