Local development plan

Local Development Plan 3

We have commenced work on preparing the next new Scottish Borders Local Development Plan (LDP). The next new LDP will replace the LDP adopted in 2024. The new LDP will shape how land and buildings are used over the next 10-20 years which impacts on people's lives including work, travel, access to open space, play and health. The Plan will allocate sites for development, identify places to be protected, and set out the policies that will be used when deciding planning applications.

How you can get involved

Community bodies can prepare Local Place Plans for their area. Local Place Plans are community led plans which present proposals for the development and use of land.

Individuals who are considering a self-build project, can let us know by signing up to our Self-Build Housing Register. Signing up to the Self-Build Housing Register will help us find out more about the demand for self-build plots in the Scottish Borders, where people would like their plot to be, and the type of house that they would like to build. We will use the information to explore ways in which it might be possible for people and plots to be brought together. Registration does not however guarantee that a suitable plot will be identified or become available for you.

You can also take part in any current consultations or surveys. Presently the Council are seeking views on the Draft Development Plan Scheme 2025.

Why get involved

The new Plan will be shaped by the views and aspirations of all interests across the Scottish Borders including communities, investors, businesses and other stakeholders.

The primary purpose of engagement is to help shape future land use and development across the Scottish Borders. Your views and ideas can help shape the future of the Scottish Borders by helping us to plan for jobs, travel, open space, infrastructure and facilities.


New planning legislation makes significant changes to the approach to preparing Local Development Plans including the role of the National Planning Framework 4. The aim is to make them more effective, with greater community involvement and more focus on delivery. More detailed timescales are set out within the Draft Development Plan Scheme 2025. At this time, we are keen to get the views of everyone on the Draft Development Plan Scheme 2025, please complete our survey.