Masterplan Consent Areas

This page provides information about the introduction of Masterplan Consent Areas (MCAs) – a potential new way for us to shape development in our area.

Background / Introduction

Part 2 (Section 15) of the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced Masterplan Consent Areas (MCAs) as a new proactive consenting mechanism.

We will in future be able to prepare Masterplan Consent Area schemes as part of a placemaking approach to planning and consenting. It is a new way for us to shape new development in our area – enabling the type and quality of development we wish to come forward through a consenting masterplan, and to support delivery of development that can support local needs, priorities and outcomes.

Unlike planning applications which are typically led by a developer, the preparation of MCA schemes will be led by the planning authority, but can be taken forward through in collaboration.

The new provisions will allow us to prepare a MCA ‘Scheme’ setting out for particular places, the detail of what they are giving consent for, through the MCA scheme. There will be requirements for publicity and consultation on individual schemes.

MCA schemes can streamline consent, allowing issues to be considered as part of a joined up approach, they can grant:

  • planning permission,
  • roads construction consent,
  • listed building consent, and
  • conservation area consent.

Within adopted MCA areas, development could be brought forward without the need for a full application as long as it is in line with the agreed scheme.

More details about Masterplan Consent Areas are available in the Consultation Paper on the draft MCA Regulations – the Scottish Government’s consultation closed on 22 May 2024.

Consideration of the Duty to periodically consider making MCA schemes

Part 2 of the 2019 Act (Section 15) sets out the legal framework for preparing MCAs. The full provisions from the Act relating to MCAs and the associated regulations are not yet in force. We anticipate the MCA provisions being fully in place later in 2024.

However, Schedule 5A Paragraph 5 is in force and requires planning authorities to consider whether it would be desirable to make a scheme for a part or parts of their district, and to publish a statement as to their consideration of that, by 25 July 2024.


As the MCA regulations are not yet in place, we have not yet identified or assessed potential locations for which it may be desirable to bringing forward an MCA scheme. We intend to reconsider this once the legal basis for preparing MCAs is in place.

The Scottish Government has indicated that MCAs could be used to support delivery of the local development plan. We will consider whether it would be desirable to make any Masterplan Consent Areas as part of our work on delivery linked to the Local Development Plan’s Delivery Programme.

This Statement fulfils our legal requirements under Schedule 5A Paragraph 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act.