Quality homes
We want to support the delivery of more high quality, affordable and sustainable homes in the right locations, providing choice across tenures that meet the diverse housing needs of people and communities. Good quality homes should be at the heart of great places and contribute to strengthening the health and wellbeing communities. We want to ensure the provision of land in the right locations to accommodate future need and demand for new homes, supported by the appropriate infrastructure. To help tackle climate change, we will need more energy efficient, net zero emissions homes, supporting a greener, fairer and more inclusive wellbeing economy and community wealth building, tackling both fuel and child poverty.
National Planning Framework (NPF4) sets out:
- Proposals for new homes that improve affordability and choice by being adaptable to changing and diverse needs, and which address identified gaps in provision, will be supported. This could include: self-provided homes; accessible, adaptable and wheelchair accessible homes; affordable homes; a range of size of homes such as those for larger families; homes for older people including supported accommodation, and homes for other specialist groups.
- Development proposals for new homes on land not allocated for housing in the LDP will only be supported in limited circumstances.
- Other policies such as on design, brownfield first and rural homes that should be taken into account in considering sites and designing self-build homes.
Local Housing Strategy
Our Local Housing Strategy (LHS) 2023-2028 is the key strategic document for housing in the region. The LHS sets out how we and our partners plan to address housing and housing related opportunities and challenges in all tenures over the five year period.
The LHS is key in informing housing investment and service delivery and to ensuring everyone has a home which meets their needs.
Planning Policy and GIS
Previously known as Forward Planning