Safety Camera Unit
Safety Cameras Scotland is supported by the Scottish Safety Camera Programme and Police Scotland and operates speed and red light cameras across Scotland.
The cameras used are a combination of:
- fixed
- mobile
- average speed
- red light
These are a highly visible deterrence to speeding or red light running where there has been a history of personal injury and collisions associated with these road safety issues.
Reducing accidents on our roads
Speed management is a major part of the UK's road safety strategy, with safety cameras being one tool that is being used to bring about a reduction in road casualties.
Safety Cameras Scotland operates under the rules and guidelines of the Scottish Safety Camera Programme, an evidence based personal injury crash/casualty reduction initiative. Its requirements include site selection criteria and clear visibility of all enforcement equipment and activity.
Funding of Safety Camera Units
Safety cameras are funded by annual grant from the Scottish Government and there is no financial link with the number of offenders recorded, nor do any of the Safety Camera Units receive any money from fines arising from camera detected offences (which are processed through the courts in the same way as other offences).