Parent councils

Support for parent councils

We provide support for parent councils in schools in a variety of ways.

Financial support

Parent councils can apply to receive a grant to cover basic running costs. The grant is based on the school roll and is paid directly into the parent council or school bank account once approved.

Membership of the Scottish Parent Teacher Council

We take out a group membership of the Scottish Parent Teacher Council (SPTC) for all parent councils in Borders schools each year.

The membership entitles parent councils to a number of services from SPTC including advice and information, and also provides extensive insurance for parent council events and activities.

Scottish Borders Parent Council Forum

At least three times a year, parent councils are invited to send one or two representatives to the Scottish Borders Parent Council Forum.

Parent councils have the opportunity to request items for the agenda. Senior staff in Children and Young people's Services take the opportunity to consult with parents on a wide range of educational topics.

Parent council member training

Training courses are available for parent council members and those thinking about joining. If you are interested in hosting a training session, let the chairperson of your parent council know.  They can then discuss this at the next parent council chairpersons meeting.

  • Parent Council Essentials (PCE) - how parent councils work and what they can get involved in
  • Parent Council Essentials two (PCE2) - the next steps
  • Focus on Communications - communication with your parent forum is the key to success
  • Effective Meetings - how to get the most out of your meetings
  • Organising Social and Fundraising Events - licensing, risk assessment, first aid, food hygiene and much more
  • The Role fo Office Bearers and Committee Meetings - a whistle stop tour of the roles of office bearers
  • Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) - understand how PVG works, helping you to keep your children and volunteers safe

Occasionally we will provide training for parent council members on local initialtives (for example Anti-Bullying (Respectful Relationships Policy), Parental Involvement Policy and Social Media for Schools).


Contact HQ Operations Team

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800