Active Schools

What is Active Schools?

Active Schools is a national programme, invested in jointly by Sportscotland  and the local authority, dedicated to developing and supporting the delivery of quality sporting opportunities for children and young people across the country

We aim to provide more and higher quality opportunities for pupils to get active before school, during lunchtimes and after school. We also look to develop effective pathways between schools and sports clubs in the local community.

Active Schools has worked with schools for over 20 years providing opportunities for children and young people to get involved, and stay involved, in sport and will continue to make a significant contribution to a world class sporting system in Scotland.


Active Schools Manager and Coordinator Team

The programme is delivered locally by Active Schools Coordinators aligned to each of our nine school clusters.

Cluster Coordinator Contact details
Active Schools Manager Paul Scott, 07887471128
Duns Rebekah Herbert

07870 569707

Facebook - Duns Active Schools

X - Active Schools (Scottish Borders Council)

Earlston Gemma Ross

07887 471129

Facebook - Earlston Active Schools

Instagram - Earlston Active Schools

X - Active Schools (Scottish Borders Council)

Eyemouth Kendal Patterson

07920 207043

Facebook - Eyemouth Active Schools

X – Active Schools (Scottish Borders Council)

Galashiels Ewan Lindores

07887 471127

Facebook - Galashiels Active Schools

X – Active Schools (Scottish Borders Council)

Hawick Lauren Grant

07881 249332

Facebook - Hawick Active Schools

X – Active Schools (Scottish Borders Council)

Jedburgh Alan Reid

Phone: 07815545711

Facebook: Jedburgh Active Schools

X – Active Schools (Scottish Borders Council)

Kelso Chris Fraser

07900 738620

Facebook - Kelso Active Schools

X – Active Schools (Scottish Borders Council)

Peebles Linda Rome

07887 471132

Facebook - Tweeddale Active Schools

X – Active Schools (Scottish Borders Council)

Selkirk Karen Cornwall

07887 471126

Facebook - Selkirk Active Schools

X – Active Schools (Scottish Borders Council)