Upholstered domestic seating


When did the new regulations come into effect?

The regulations came into effect in Scotland on 1 January 2023 however SEPA allowed time to ensure we have procedures in place to meet these regulations.

Why is Easter Langlee the only Waste Transfer Station that can accept upholstered domestic seating?

This is because it is the only site that has adequate dust suppression and storage to comply with the regulations.

I’m a current CRC trade access permit holder, can I get a refund because I now have to come to the Waste Transfer Station?

Yes, you are eligible for a refund. Contact tradewaste@scotborders.gov.uk to get refund on tickets purchased from 17 May 2024 - 15th July 2024.

How is Scottish Borders Council dealing with upholstered domestic seating containing POPs

All upholstered domestic seating is transported to a approved facility where the material is processed in accordance with the SEPA Guidance.