Early years centres

We aim to help families give their children a good start in their early years.

Services work together to support young children and families from:

  • Galashiels area - 01896 756669
  • Selkirk area - 01750 20476
  • Hawick area - 01450 375147
  • Eyemouth area - 01890 750785/750692
  • Kelso area - 01573 224264

The early years centres are based in primary schools.

We provide an open door with year round access, in a safe, relaxing environment.

Drop in for:

  • advice
  • information
  • activities

People on hand to help

Professionals and members of the local community work in the centres.

We work in partnership with:

  • NHS Borders
  • the third sector
  • the local community

In the future some of the supportive activities will be provided in other localities.

Examples of support:

  • early learning and childcare
  • midwifery
  • family support
  • home school link
  • health improvement
  • financial help in the early years
  • family learning
  • health visiting
  • school nursing

Activities at early years centres

Examples of activities:

  • Tesco farm to fork
  • Children’s play
  • Informal chats
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Health Visitor appointments
  • Activity clubs for families
  • Dad’s group
Financial help in the early years

Early years team

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 01835 824000

Fax: 01835 825091