Local Place Plans

Local place plans

Local Place Plans (LPPs) are community led plans which present proposals for the development and use of land. It is a chance for community stakeholders to voice their own ideas and aspirations about the places they live, work and spend time in.

Further information on the Place Programme is available.


The Planning Circular 1/2022: Local Place Plans provides guidance on the legislative requirements for the preparation, submission and registration of LPPs and matters not explicitly required by legislation.

Timescale - invitation to create Local Place Plans

It is anticipated that a deadline for the submission of LPPs will be set to allow for them to be reviewed, registered and taken into account in the preparation of the next iteration of the Local Development Plan. This means LPPs can have potential influence over identification of land for development or policy changes. Our Local Development Plan was adopted 22 August 2024.

There is sufficient time for communities to progress with LPPs and feed into the next Local Development Plan process, which will commence shortly.     


To help your community understand the various steps required in preparing a Local Place Plan, the Council have produced the following resources. These resources will be kept up to date as we learn more from those communities preparing Local Place Plans. 

Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal: Place Programme

Four communities in the Scottish Borders; Eyemouth, Galashiels, Hawick and Jedburgh, have been invited to prepare Place Plans. The Borderlands Place Programme has funding of £7.25m available over 7 years (24/25 - 30/31) for these towns. There will be further requirements such as a Town Investment Plan and both Plans will be presented to ourselves and the Borderlands Place Programme Board for approval.

Validation and Registration of LPPs

The validation and registration guidance including registration submission checklist will help communities through the process.

There are currently no registered LPPs in the Scottish Borders. Please return to check later for updates and guidance on the registration process.

Find out what is going on in terms of Place Making across the Scottish Borders.

Further Information

A variety of resources are available on the Placemaking Resources Storymap pages and FAQ pages.