Adult Social Care staff information

Information for Adult Social Care staff


These pages were established to provide Adult Social Care staff with business critical and other key information to help you in your role. Please use the links above to keep yourself up to date with the latest news specific to our services.

We continue to update staff as quickly as we can with relevant information. Your efforts in keeping yourself up to date is greatly appreciated.

I would also like to express my deepest thanks generally for all your ongoing hard work and commitment. The circumstances continue to be challenging but together we have been able to keep services up and running, supporting some of our most vulnerable residents, and your flexibility and resilience is greatly valued and acknowledged. There continue to be numerous messages of thanks from service users and family carers for everything you are doing.

If there is additional key information you would like to see included in this section of the website, please let your line manager know.


Jen Holland
Director of Strategic Commissioning and Partnerships