Adult Social Care mobile - introduction 18.5.21
I wanted to update you on some changes that are being planned for the Homecare service as part of the Council’s Digital Strategy. These particularly relate to the mobile devices that you use to carry out your work and the introduction of a new communication and scheduling system called Total Mobile.
The Digital Strategy was approved by elected members on 25 February 2021 and sets out a vision for SBC to become the UK’s first smart connected rural region, supporting better outcomes for everyone who lives and works in the Borders. One of the key priorities is to enable better communication with frontline workers and provide improved workforce scheduling across services.
Adult Social Care Homecare has been identified as the first service to take part in the project which will essentially means that your current device will be replaced with an Apple iphone and CM2000 will be replaced with Total Mobile. This was agreed at the Council meeting held on 13 May, you can read the full report if you are interested.
We believe Total Mobile will solve some long standing issues we have in terms of sharing information with you, as well as improving the way in which we are able to deliver the service overall including:
- an improved experience and better outcomes for you as a staff member
- improvements to the way you are able to do your job enabling you to be more efficient
- lone worker protection, something that has not been possible previously
- a reduction in administration effort in relation to visit scheduling and recording overtime
- improved service and better outcomes for clients because you will have access to better information e.g. client needs, medication etc.
- enhanced efficiency due to real time recording
The plan is that the new service will be fully implemented towards the end of 2021.
We are now working on a rollout plan and will provide more information about this over the coming months. This will include details of the training that will be provided on how to use the phone itself and the new system.
Should you have any queries in the meantime, please speak to your line manager.
Jen Holland
Chief Operating Officer - Adult Social Work and Social Care